

  • DQ Series Small-size 3D Printers-FDM 3D Printer

    DQ Series Small-size 3D Printers-FDM 3D Printer

    There are four types of DQ series small-size 3D printers.

    The build volumes are:







    The body color can be customized, strong stability, high accuracy; power failure resumption and material breakage detection functions are supported. The products are mostly used in homes, schools, makers’ smart manufacturing, cartoon handicrafts, industrial parts, consumer electronics, etc.

  • DQ Series Pre-industrial 3D Printers-FDM 3D Printer

    DQ Series Pre-industrial 3D Printers-FDM 3D Printer

    There are six types of DQ series pre-industrial 3D printers, and the building size is between 200-300mm.


    The body color can be customized, strong stability, high accuracy; power failure resumption and material breakage detection functions are supported. The products are mostly used in homes, schools, makers’ smart manufacturing, cartoon handicrafts, industrial parts, consumer electronics, etc.

  • DQ series Super-Large 3D Printers-FDM 3D Printer

    DQ series Super-Large 3D Printers-FDM 3D Printer

    There are five types of DQ series super-large 3D printers, and the build volume is between 750-1200mm.


    The build volume is large, single and double extruders are optional, the color of the body can be customized, the equipment has strong stability and high accuracy, and it supports functions such as power failure resumption and material outage detection. The products are mostly used in homes, schools, and makers, animation industry, industrial parts, consumer electronics and other industries.

  • DQ Series Large-size 3D Printers-FDM 3D Printer

    DQ Series Large-size 3D Printers-FDM 3D Printer

    There are six types of DQ series large-size 3D printers, with the building size between 350-650mm.


    The build volume is large, single and double extruders are optional, the color of the body can be customized, the equipment has strong stability and high accuracy, and it supports functions such as power failure resume and material outage detection. The products are mostly used in homes, schools, and makers, animation industry, industrial parts, consumer electronics and other industries.

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