

  • Ceramic 3D Printer 3DCR-200

    Ceramic 3D Printer 3DCR-200

    3DCR-200 is a ceramic 3d printer that adopts SL(stereo-lithography) technology.

    It possesses features such as high forming precision, rapid printing speed of complex parts, low cost for small-scale production, and so on.?

    3DCR-200 can be used in aerospace industry, automobile industry, chemical reaction container production, electronic ceramics production, medical fields, arts, high-end customized ceramic products, and more.

    Max build volume: 200*200*200 (mm)?


  • Ceramic 3D Printer 3DCR-350

    Ceramic 3D Printer 3DCR-350

    3DCR-350 is a ceramic 3d printer that adopts SL(stereo-lithography) technology.

    It possesses features such as high forming precision, rapid printing speed of complex parts, low cost for small-scale production, and so on.?

    3DCR-350 can be used in aerospace industry, automobile industry, chemical reaction container production, electronic ceramics production, medical fields, arts, high-end customized ceramic products, and more.

    Max build volume: 300*250*250 (mm)?

三亚市| 北流市| 东港市| 宁阳县| 五家渠市| 阿勒泰市| 泽普县| 美姑县| 乐平市| 高青县| 乐清市| 桃园市| 方城县| 义马市| 阳曲县| 微山县| 仙居县| 疏附县| 郴州市| 姚安县| 武城县| 绩溪县| 潍坊市| 襄汾县| 滕州市| 砀山县| 民勤县| 雅安市| 兴隆县| 绩溪县| 保德县| 遵义县| 札达县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 金华市| 文水县| 西城区| 布尔津县| 赣州市| 铜川市| 洛浦县|