

Medical background:

For general patients with closed fractures, splinting is commonly used for treatment. Common splint materials are gypsum splint and polymer splint. Using 3D scanning technology combined with 3D printing technology can produce customized splints, which are more beautiful and lighter than traditional methods.

Case description:

The patient had a fractured forearm and required short-term external fixation after treatment.

Doctor needs:

Beautiful, strong and light weight

Modeling process:

First scan the appearance of the patient’s forearm to obtain the 3D model data as follows:


Patient’s forearm scan model

Secondly, based on the patient’s forearm model, design a splint model that conforms to the shape of the patient’s arm, which is divided into internal and external splints, which is convenient for the patient to wear, as shown in the figure below:

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Customized splint model

Model 3D printing:

Considering the comfort of the patient and the aesthetics after wearing, under the premise of ensuring the strength of the splint, the splint is designed with a hollow appearance and then 3D printed, as shown in the figure below.


Customized fracture splint

Applicable departments:

Orthopedics, Dermatology, Surgery

Post time: Oct-16-2020
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