


Dr. Zhao (Chairman, founder and CTO)

Committee member of the National Technical Committee on Additive Manufacturing of Standardization Administration of?China, Dr. Zhao was born in the city of Xiangtan, Hunan province, earned his doctor’s degree in Xi’an Jiaotong University. and was the vice professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is the forerunner of Chinese 3D printing and 3D digitizing industry.

Dr. Zhao successively?founded the company of Union Tech and SHDM and successfully researched, developed?and industrialized the SL 3D printer, structured light 3D scanner, laser body scanner and established the competitive advantage of relevant products in?domestic market and therefore makes an outstanding contribution to our 3D printing and 3D digital manufacturing industry.



广元市| 太康县| 澳门| 宿州市| 噶尔县| 石泉县| 兴安盟| 阳城县| 桦川县| 曲阳县| 公主岭市| 长海县| 黑山县| 定结县| 铁力市| 南靖县| 宁津县| 宜春市| 灵山县| 当雄县| 咸丰县| 高要市| 安图县| 景宁| 神池县| 溧水县| 罗山县| 中超| 渝北区| 乐业县| 新和县| 扶沟县| 陆丰市| 海兴县| 两当县| 米泉市| 鄢陵县| 穆棱市| 汽车| 辉南县| 东乡族自治县|